
Instagram Art Account

The piece of J. Cole was drawn on my tablet in Adobe Illustrator. If you check out my art account, you will see more web drawings that look like the one of J. Cole. I've made several including one of the Joker, Robert Pattinson, short film posters, and a cartoon of myself. Also, there is videos of myself playing guitar on my account. I deleted all social media about a year ago, so none of the content is new but the work I've done in the past is still uploaded and public.

Painting of the animated character Rango staring with a desert and cacti in the background Online drawing of J. Cole with the words Love and Choose Wisely written behind him

I've always enjoyed drawing and painting ever since I was a little kid. It was nothing ever too serious, but I always enjoyed my art classes, and I was a big doodler on all my assignments. Along with picking up the guitar during quarantine, I started to paint and draw again. I had forgotten how much I really enjoyed creating art, the paintings of Rango and the Solar Opposites family were completed during that time. I haven't been painting as much recently because I don't have my equipment, but I've been drawing a lot more to get prepared for my art class.

This semester, I'm taking Studio Art 1 as my elective, and it's been fun so far. My art style is not technically proper, but I try and go for a wonky/unrealistic look to the characters and scenes I'm drawing. Last class we worked on drawing circles, ellipses, and a cup which was challenging for me since my circles were not proportionally correct. This class has already taught me that to be a good artist you must be a good observer which has changed the way I interpret art. I've already completed two projects for this class, the first was a drawing of two wooden poles in the night. The second was a drawing of my record player with pink Floyd lyrics coming out of the speaker.

Painting of family from the animated series Solar Opposites